Emergency Housing Vouchers Calculator


Complete the form below to use the Rent Affordability Calculator:

Current Date


Year Voucher was Issued

Family Name

Monthly Adjusted Income


Indicate ZipCode

Indicate Voucher Size

Indicate Unit's Bedroom Size

Owner's Requested Rent

Indicate Unit's Type

Will the tenant pay for Electricity?

Will the tenant pay for Gas or Electric energy source costs?
(heating, cooking, water heating)

Will the tenant pay for water/sewer?

Will the tenant pay for trash collection?

Which appliances (if any) will the tenant provide?



  • The affordability calculator only applies to new contracts.

  • It views the landlord's requested rent from an affordability standpoint. HUD regulations stipulate that the rent be both reasonable and affordable. Therefore, even though the calculator shows that the requested rent is affordable, this does not mean that it is necessarily reasonable. Once the rent reasonableness test has been conducted, you could be presented with a final rent offer for less than your original request, because of this.

  • Income, family composition, payment standards are subject to change after the completion of the affordability test.

  • Unit bedroom size to be confirmed at the inspection.

  • This calculator is a guideline for rent costs only. This calculator does not necessarily represent your actual final rent costs.